Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sports Nation
One thing I didn't add to my giant post last night is my new love for Sports Nation. I've never been a huge fan of sports TV. True, I "watch" a lot of sporting events (read: I fall asleep on the couch with them as background noise. Great napping!). I actually do really watch college football. I sometimes watch SportsCenter and I love ESPN commercials. But over Christmas, my cousin B. Martin was watching this show and I really liked it. So now I DVR it.
Oh yea, another big update. I got DVR. Because someone who is not making any money should be paying $10 more a month on cable. Whatev.
Back to sports. So every day I watch Colin and Michelle talk about sports, play games, and watch weird videos. It makes me want to learn how to do trick basketball shots.
Oh yea, another big update. I got DVR. Because someone who is not making any money should be paying $10 more a month on cable. Whatev.
Back to sports. So every day I watch Colin and Michelle talk about sports, play games, and watch weird videos. It makes me want to learn how to do trick basketball shots.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
So I haven't updated in, let's just say, awhile. Things have been going on that I wasn't prepared to deal with so the blog has suffered. Oh well. Here's what's happened since brief:
I got fired...wait, asked to resign. For being nice. Seriously. The day before I left for my cousin's wedding.
My cousin Karen got married in Bermuda - yay Karen & Carter. Beautiful people + beautiful setting = beautiful wedding. The guys wore khakis and blue blazers with pink ties and the girls wore navy dresses. The pictures look like a J. Crew ad. I would add the link to see them all, but I am lazy and don't want to search through emails to find it. So you get these:
The first is Roll on this really cool beach with all these rocks. It was so nice. The cab driver said it was their bad season b/c of all the seaweed. I think there was 4 pieces.

My brother finished Airborne school and came home for 2 weeks. We played lots of Guitar Hero and Catan. Then went to Delaware for my cousin Ann's wedding. Congrats Ann & Joe! The cousins got together for the rehearsal dinner to do a remake of The Sound of Music's "So Long, Farewell" with wedding related & people specific words. It was a surprise to Ann (and everyone else) and was awesome. The wedding was lovely. My uncle Joe cried like a baby. My cousin Libby danced with me the entire reception and my arms hurt the next day from holding her (she's 3). Again, I am lazy and don't feel like looking for the link to all the pics, so here you go.
Here is the wedding party. 7 bridesmaids, a junior bridesmaid, 2 flower girls, 2 ushers + 7 groomsmen. Big wedding.
My family. I was a bridesmaid, my brother was a groomsman and my sister did a reading. I had to get my dress altered, and when I went for the final fitting, the seamstress said, "Well, you're going to be a bit busty, but there's nothing I can do about that". I called it boob-tastic. More than half of the wedding video involves my hiking up the dress while dancing. Trust me, at this wedding I did NOT "Jump Around".

They had a photo booth at the wedding for favors & fun. It printed out 4 pictures with the date etc. on it and you could take them home. It also accounted for stuff like this:

The day after the wedding, my brother left for Korea. I drove home by myself and cried every 15 minutes.
Went home for Thanksgiving. My cousin and her boyfriend (who are living in TN right now) came to our house because it's closer than PA. My brother was able to video chat with us for a large part of the weekend, including when we had Thanksgiving dinner. We sat the computer on the end of the table. That was when we were introduced to online Catan.
Went to MD, DE and back to MD for Christmas. Spent some quality time with my grandma and talked about old people farts. Got a Harry Potter sorting hat from the grab bag of random crap my brother sent for the cousins. I'm in Gryffindor by the way. My sister got me a Wii and we canoed and played sword fighting from Wii Resorts.
I can't remember what I did for New Year's, so it must not have been exciting.
I went home to ATL for a few days around MLK. Saw some good friends and was made a delicious cake (thanks KT & Sarah). Saw another good friend who gave me a fancy cupcake and went with me to an RHA reunion at UGA (thanks T-Dawg!). Hung out with my mom for a few days.
I turned 30. That part sucked. My family is awesome though and made it a great weekend. Two of my cousins flew to Raleigh on Thursday and we made dinner at home and played some board games. The top shelf cousins each got me a gift, then got me a group gift. The group gift was a diamond ring. The other presents were in bigger boxes surrounding the ring. We were able to video conference my brother, get one cousin on a phone and get 2 others on a conference call on another phone so that the whole top shelf was there (minus Scott). The next day we got pedicures and had lunch, then went for drinks and finally a fancy dinner at 18 Seaboard. There are pictures of that somewhere. That night, it snowed. A lot. Especially for Raleigh. The next day, we made plans to go bowling with my aunt & uncle and their 2 kids. We decided to pack bags and bring the dog in case it snowed again. Little did I know that it was a surprise party for me. A bunch of my cousins, aunts & uncles and my mom were all waiting inside the door when I walked in. They were dressed up like cowboys and southern belles because we had a murder mystery party - Murder at the Deadwood Saloon. I didn't really have an outfit because they figured it'd give it away if they told me to bring a hoop skirt.
We had a great time. It was slightly awkward because my sister didn't read character descriptions because she didn't want to cheat. So I was married to my uncle. My cousin was having an affair with her father. My mom and aunt were fighting over my 2 young cousins. But it was fairly hilarious. Had Clyde Cooper's bbq and a cake with a little me on the front. We played Things (fun game), had drinks, played some Wii and had a grand old time. As I said, my family is awesome. The next night we were back at my sister's and made tacos and played lots of Catan. It was sad going back home.
Babysat for my cousins a few times. Watched lots and lots of TV and Netflix. Fell in love with Stringer Bell from The Wire. Go the library at least once a week.
Still don't have a job.
I got fired...wait, asked to resign. For being nice. Seriously. The day before I left for my cousin's wedding.
My cousin Karen got married in Bermuda - yay Karen & Carter. Beautiful people + beautiful setting = beautiful wedding. The guys wore khakis and blue blazers with pink ties and the girls wore navy dresses. The pictures look like a J. Crew ad. I would add the link to see them all, but I am lazy and don't want to search through emails to find it. So you get these:
The first is Roll on this really cool beach with all these rocks. It was so nice. The cab driver said it was their bad season b/c of all the seaweed. I think there was 4 pieces.
My brother finished Airborne school and came home for 2 weeks. We played lots of Guitar Hero and Catan. Then went to Delaware for my cousin Ann's wedding. Congrats Ann & Joe! The cousins got together for the rehearsal dinner to do a remake of The Sound of Music's "So Long, Farewell" with wedding related & people specific words. It was a surprise to Ann (and everyone else) and was awesome. The wedding was lovely. My uncle Joe cried like a baby. My cousin Libby danced with me the entire reception and my arms hurt the next day from holding her (she's 3). Again, I am lazy and don't feel like looking for the link to all the pics, so here you go.
Here is the wedding party. 7 bridesmaids, a junior bridesmaid, 2 flower girls, 2 ushers + 7 groomsmen. Big wedding.
They had a photo booth at the wedding for favors & fun. It printed out 4 pictures with the date etc. on it and you could take them home. It also accounted for stuff like this:

The day after the wedding, my brother left for Korea. I drove home by myself and cried every 15 minutes.
Went home for Thanksgiving. My cousin and her boyfriend (who are living in TN right now) came to our house because it's closer than PA. My brother was able to video chat with us for a large part of the weekend, including when we had Thanksgiving dinner. We sat the computer on the end of the table. That was when we were introduced to online Catan.
Went to MD, DE and back to MD for Christmas. Spent some quality time with my grandma and talked about old people farts. Got a Harry Potter sorting hat from the grab bag of random crap my brother sent for the cousins. I'm in Gryffindor by the way. My sister got me a Wii and we canoed and played sword fighting from Wii Resorts.
I can't remember what I did for New Year's, so it must not have been exciting.
I went home to ATL for a few days around MLK. Saw some good friends and was made a delicious cake (thanks KT & Sarah). Saw another good friend who gave me a fancy cupcake and went with me to an RHA reunion at UGA (thanks T-Dawg!). Hung out with my mom for a few days.
I turned 30. That part sucked. My family is awesome though and made it a great weekend. Two of my cousins flew to Raleigh on Thursday and we made dinner at home and played some board games. The top shelf cousins each got me a gift, then got me a group gift. The group gift was a diamond ring. The other presents were in bigger boxes surrounding the ring. We were able to video conference my brother, get one cousin on a phone and get 2 others on a conference call on another phone so that the whole top shelf was there (minus Scott). The next day we got pedicures and had lunch, then went for drinks and finally a fancy dinner at 18 Seaboard. There are pictures of that somewhere. That night, it snowed. A lot. Especially for Raleigh. The next day, we made plans to go bowling with my aunt & uncle and their 2 kids. We decided to pack bags and bring the dog in case it snowed again. Little did I know that it was a surprise party for me. A bunch of my cousins, aunts & uncles and my mom were all waiting inside the door when I walked in. They were dressed up like cowboys and southern belles because we had a murder mystery party - Murder at the Deadwood Saloon. I didn't really have an outfit because they figured it'd give it away if they told me to bring a hoop skirt.
Babysat for my cousins a few times. Watched lots and lots of TV and Netflix. Fell in love with Stringer Bell from The Wire. Go the library at least once a week.
Still don't have a job.