Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Break out the crazy pills

School starts in less than a week. I know that I've been complaining to the people around me that I don't have enough to do, work wise, but I lied. I'm not ready for school. I need at least another week. I know we're going to assignments for the first day of class, but my professors are all being slack and not posting anything. I just spent over $300 on books for the semester- none of which I'll be using next semester. I have been told that one of the books is the most important book I'll ever buy, so I guess investing that $26 was a good idea.

I'm just so stressed out. The assistant dean in charge of scholarships and admission left this year to help start a new school so he left with too much work and not enough people. That meant I didn't find out about my scholarship until 2 weeks ago. Which meant that my stomach was in knots for over a month because I didn't know I would be able to pay tuition and have heat. Without that money, I would have barely cleared tuition even if I took out all my loans.

Which brings me to my next problem. Damn loan people. I called the other day to clear everything and make sure I was doing everything properly. My mom is going to co-sign so that my interest is lower. I asked how to do that. They said go online. I did. Apparently, in order to get a co-signer application, the site needs about 5 IDs and PINs and other numbers that I don't have. Thanks loan people! You just wasted over an hour of my time and my mom's.

Today I worked on a research project for a professor. I enjoy the work for the most part, but sometimes it's like I just keep adding on things that I should give up. I spent about 6 hours looking up statutes. True, I get paid my $6/hour, but while I was at school, I found that I should have been working on a law review article since topics are running out and we have less than a month to write one. I know it's an honor to make it, and I'm happy for the chance, but I'm going to have so many papers and projects the first 2 months that I don't know what I should be doing. Which means that I'm watching TV.

Lastly is all the club stuff. I have to balance a budget that's all screwed up since people never give me the receipts. Today someone gave me a ticket from April. It's pissing me off. I'm so afraid that I'm going to screw up and make SBA go into debt. I'm on about 5 other clubs and have officer positions on 2 of them. Now I have an opportunity to be on a faculty board. I don't want to pass it up since I know I'd be good at it and I don't want to skip an chance to work closer with my professors. So I'm going to try out.

I know I sound like a huge whiner, and I'm sure in a few weeks, once I've gotten into my routine, I'll be fine. But right now, I need some Zoloft and Maalox and sleep- in that order. But what I'll get is diet coke, work, and naps. Thank god for good music and caffeine.

ok, i think dave was definitely drunk when he posted his comment. I too got an email from him right after this. and dave NEVER emails he had to be drunk. too bad we weren't there...that would have been fun.
Ryan - i'm here for you to whine to me too! don't worry kiddo, you can do it and you'll be fine. love you!
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