Wednesday, August 17, 2005


On my way down from the bell tower

Ok so I know I was freaking out in the last post. I'm not out of the woods yet and I'm still having trouble sleeping, but I can breathe now.
My scholarships all came through and I ended up getting the missing $1200.
I don't know if I've already said it, but anticipation is what kills me. I can handle getting a bad grade, or some other larger problem. I just need to know it. That way I can assess the situation and figure out a solution. Not knowing is when I start to panic. I don't like not being able to control stuff, or at least having a contingency plan. I've had all my classes and know the expectations. So now that I know all my assignments that pressure is off.
I also have my law review topic nailed down and got some good leads. One of my professors, who has ties to UGA, is helping me out. It's also nice that he sits on the committees that review the statute I am working on. Now I have a source for problem solving. My editor has also relieved a lot of stress. I can ask her for help and she's a Westlaw rep and thus knows a lot of tricks to researching.
I've talked to professors and they've all got my back. That's one of my favorite reasons that I decided to stay at Campbell. I know every professor that I had first year and they all know me. I talk to them all in the halls and their offices. I can go to them for help with a class or when I need someone to say, "It's ok, I've been there, I know you and you'll do fine".
The professor I worked for this summer wants me to stay on and continue to work for him during the year on a cool law review type thing where we're going to set up mock trials and study jury prejudice and religion. I'm excited about that.
My old job is still here and I'm now actively doing stuff which is nice cause then I actively get paid and that is really nice.
All my treasurer duties are up to date. I rewrote all the forms and have cleared the old budget out and am prepared for the new one.
Dog was on 2 nights in a row and I had enough work done that I could watch most of the episodes.
So right now, all is good. I'm still hyped up and a little nervous and I'm sure the anxiety will come back, but I know I can handle it.
Thanks to everyone who told me I could do it- love ya, need ya, and I've got your backs too.

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