Friday, February 17, 2006



So I haven't posted in awhile. I just really didn't have anything too interesting to say. I kept meaning to and then just thought the stuff I was planning on writing was dumb. Anyhoo, here's that meme thing that's been going around:

Four Jobs I've Had:
1- Babysitter - Alpharetta, GA. I never had to have a "real" job in high school or during the summers of college because I babysat for my neighbor and made better money than I would have elsewhere. I sat for 2 boys who were pretty cool. I'd been sitting for them since 8th grade and did it until I left GA. I got to do all kinds of sweet stuff- like go mini golfing, play laser tag, go to the movies, went on a boat trip to the Bahamas, play with Legos, etc. and got paid for it. I think it might have been coolest job ever. Except for the time we all got locked in Michael's room, or when Kevin hit the panic alarm or when Michael peed on the living room carpet.
2- Worked in the housing office at UGA - Athens, GA. I had good hours and mainly talked to people. Sometimes I got the crappy job of filing. Shredding was ok because the shredder was in a back room and you could bring the Red & Black with you and do the crossword or take a brief nap. You just had to make sure you put a box or something near the door so you'd wake up when people opened it trying to find you. The best part was when we got to use the university vans to deliver or pick up stuff. You could always take about a 20 minute detour which could include getting ice cream at Cold Stone.
3- Literacy Coordinator for AmeriCorps - Washington, D.C. I was basically sent to a low income school in downtown DC. I was the only white person in the entire school except for Tuesday and Thursdays when a speech therapist came too. That was not the reason I quit. The reason I quit was because my job consisted of sitting in an old supply closet (that another person refused to sit in because it made her allergies act up, probably because of the lead based paint) and reading children's books to myself. I wasn't allowed to work with the kids myself and, as the managers of the program were not organized in the least, my volunteers weren't allowed to work with the kids either. It was the biggest waste of time and money I've ever seen.
4- Officer manager at Armed Forces Pest Management Board - Silver Spring, MD. This was a pretty sweet job. I played on the internet all day. And scanned stuff. It was cool because I was younger than most of the people by a good 20 years, so they treated me like I was their kid. My friend Dave also worked there and we watched movies in the conference room over the LCD projector on occasion. I miss working there sometimes, but I was bored a lot as there wasn't much for me to do, and I didn't get paid enough to stay.

Four Movies I Can Watch Over & Over:
1- Happy Gilmore - This movie cracks me up. I love most Adam Sandler movies, but this one has to top them. The entire movie is hilarious from the opening where he shoots his boss in the head, to the end when Elvis shows up over his house.
2- Dodgeball - if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball. I laugh every time and I've seen it a lot. Plus Vince Vaughn's delivery of certain lines endears him to me even more. It doesn't hurt that he's adorable.
3- Sandlot - Timmy and Tommy Timmons, Michael "Squintz" Paldorez, Alan McKlenan, we call him YaYa, Bertrum Grover Weeks, Kenny DeNunez, and Hamilton Porter, we call him Ham. Guys, this is Scott Smalls. When Smalls does the dance after Benny "The Jet" Rodriquez steals home, it's a great moment.
4- Little Big League - this is probably the movie I quote most often. There are some great lines: "No offense, but you're acting like a first grader"; "Is that a spruce?"

Four places I have lived:
1- Mystic, Connecticut - in an apartment across the street from Mystic Pizza. Yes, that one. No, I never saw Julia Roberts, but my friend's dad did. We lived less than a mile from the drawbridge too. Sundays we would sometimes go to BeeBee Dairy and have pancakes with whipped cream on them. The people who lived under us were pot smoking hippies who stayed up all night. They egged me on my bike once.
2- Athens, Georgia - lived in dorms all though college and loved it. The campus is a 5 minute walk from downtown, which means you don't need a DD, just someone to walk you back. 72 bars in a 6 block radius, how can you go wrong?
3- Friendship Heights, Washington, D.C. - I lived 2 blocks from the Friendship Heights metro stop and across from a Borders & Maggiano's. I shared a 2 bedroom apartment with 2 actresses. I shared a bedroom with one of them and, occasionally, her boyfriend. That house was so messy it was scary. I refused to take out the trash once and it stayed around for a month and moved into the living room. We had some good times though and I made Jenn an Aqua Teen Hunger Force cake for her 25th b-day.
4- Lillington, North Carolina - I am still living here in a 3 bedroom town house that costs less in rent than my efficiency in Maryland. True, there is nothing here except for Dollar Stores and Food Lions and the Iguana (first place have a bar!), but I'll only be here for another year while I finish law school. And it's nice having my brother and sister within an hour's drive.

Four TV Shows I Love:
1- Friends - I watch it almost every night and have most of the DVDs
2- That 70's Show - I never realized how funny it is. The new episodes aren't quite as good, but that's because Eric isn't there anymore. Although Hyde is probably my favorite character.
3- Project Runway - a reality show with gay people and bitchiness and with people who have actual talent! And Heidi Klum! Yay!
4- House - Hugh Laurie is awesome. And the show is fun to watch, even if sometimes a bit predictable.

Four Places I've Vacationed:
1- Nags Head, NC - every year for the past 6 or so years with the extended Hackman family. 26+ people in one house = fun times! Sadly, we're not going this year. But hopefully we'll go back soon.
2- Italy - 3 weeks in various places in Northern Italy with my mom and sister my first year out of college. It was great. Lots of great food, some wine, laughing and learning the fun way, as my mom would love to marry Rick Steves.
3- Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - someone looked at me instead of my sister for the first time I can remember. Plus we went horse back riding on the beach, drank massive amounts of daiquiris and went on various boat cruises. This was great until my best friend at the time kissed my sister and we almost got kicked out of the hotel because I cried so hard. Other than that moment, super fun!
4- Cheyenne, WY - went to the Daddy of 'em all and saw Toby Keith & Scotty Emerick. We were close enough to have the confetti rain on us. We went with my dad and his fiance and that night the 5 of us stayed in a crappy motel room where my brother, sister and I all slept in one full-sized bed. The next day we saw all sorts of events while drinking Bud Lights. My brother and sister got cowboy hats, but I did not, as I look like a tool in hats. I got a shot glass, which I have used more often than I would have worn a hat.

Four of My Favorite Dishes:
1- Broccoli Rice Casserole - only when my mom makes it. This used to be the requested birthday dinner for years.
2- Corn pudding - strangely enough I discovered it only once I moved away from the South and got a cook book. Now I make it a lot.
3- Steak salad from Outback - Damn good stuff. They have good regular salads too.
4- Rolls from Roadhouse - So good. We used to get a box of rolls to bring home with us. Plus, it was always fun throwing peanuts at each other.

Four Sites I Visit Daily:
1- Dooce
2- Washington Post - but that’s really for the crossword
3- - but only to look at UGA sports- and that's really only during football season
4- Go Fug Yourself - they crack me up

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1- In my bed, asleep or reading
2- On a beach, pretty much anywhere as long as it wasn't windy
3- With my family, also pretty much anywhere and especially if there are board games
4- Athens during a home game, especially against a good rival, but not Tennessee because that ugly orange color is ... well, ugly.

Four People I'm Tagging:
1- Holly
2- Sara
3- Ann
4- Katie
5- I don't know enough people with blogs to make them do it, so you'll probably never see their responses

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