Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Moving Out

I helped my sister move out of her dorm room today. I don't know how she crammed all of that crap in there. It took us 90 minutes to get it all in my van and my tires sunk a little once it was all shoved in there. She had a pair of boots with fur on them... in North Carolina. I unloaded about 1/3 - mainly big stuff like her mini fridge and microwave and TV into my apartment as there is no point in driving all that down to GA just to drive it right back up again. I guess that's nice b/c her TV has a DVD player and mine broke about a month ago.

She is going to do study abroad next semester and leaves for Australia in July. I know we're not as close as some people, but I am not looking forward to not being able to call her whenever I feel like it. I mean last night she called me at 1:30 a.m. from a bar in Myrtle Beach with all her friends to tell me that someone had quoted a line from "The Sandlot". She can't do that from the land down under.

I will definitely miss her (and probably my mom) at Thanksgiving. I'll be just me and Jeff and I'll be sad. Hopefully we'll still be able to play internet battleship, but it won't be the same. I like knowing she's around, even if I don't drive the 90 minutes to Durham very often, I know that I can. I know that there is someone who will go with me to see stupid movies, country concerts and free shows. That there is someone who knows what comes after "Timmy and Tommy Timmons". Someone who appreciates my odd sense of music and knows what detouring means. And even though it'll only be 5 months, it'll be 5 months of no "Roll cell" popping up on my phone and 5 months of not being able to discuss how ugly Marissa's outfits are and 5 months where one of my favorite people in the world is on the other side of it.

I never went abroad and sometimes I regret it- I'll bet I'd still be able to actually speak French. But then I think about all the things I would have missed my junior or senior years - good football seasons, actually becoming friends with KT, Turkessa and Sarah, camping, almost falling out of a pickup with Whit, meeting Andy, RHA drama, racketball, falling off a motorcycle, spring breaks, tattoos, going to California, GA/FL game, dancing on the bar, 21st b-days, Boneshakers, Everclear shots, Dawson's Creek, floats, watching a meteor shower with someone who I thought was the boy of my dreams... and his girlfriend, learning I was stronger than I thought I was, car accidents and Olive Garden, drag shows, skinny dipping, midnight stalking and Frostys, spades, Trivial Pursuit - Paula Abdul, meeting Uga (V & VI), and tons of other stuff, and I don't regret staying.

I hope she has fun, makes friends and learn something. But, I hope she comes home and falls in love with a US boy because I can go 5 months without seeing her, but that's about it. And it would be a waste of money for me to fly all the way there just to have to kick her ass back home.

ahh ryan, this post makes me miss you so much! Don't worry, you still have me to complain about Marissa's outfits...even though I don't watch the shows until the weekend usually. but you can call me and say "she's such a bitch!" Yes, Rachel is a bitch.

Stalking at midnight and frosty's? What the heck are you takling about? ;)
Everclear shots...HELL YEAH!!!!
car accidents and olive garden!
I ROCK at Trivial Pursuit!!! :)
What fun times :)
Love you ryan,
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