Wednesday, May 16, 2007
This past weekend I graduated from law school. Yay! I had a great weekend - lots of family came to town. On Friday night, the girls (me, Mom, Roll, my mom's sister Sue and my mom's mom) went to dinner at Second Empire. They made me and Roll special menus (for graduation and 21st b-day respectfully). They also decorated our dessert plates.

On Saturday, the girls went to North Hills to watch a movie and walk around. Luckily it stayed sunny for the most part and didn't rain until we were done shopping.

Then we took Grandma and Sue to see Jeff's house. He cleaned the kitchen by throwing a beach towel over the dishes in the sink. Although the rest of the house was surprisingly clean. I didn't take a picture of the dishes, but I wish I had. That night Jeff, my dad and my aunt Amy met us for dinner at Mo's. It was really loud, but still fun. We were supposed to eat on the porch, but there was a downpour that made the street look like a river so luckily they had room to move us inside.

Sunday was the hooding. It was the law school only. They have the graduates walk in and sit. Then they do an awards ceremony and give out various stuff, including book awards (for the people that get the best grade in a specific class). I got 2 awards - one for trial advocacy and another for moot court (which included a check!). Unfortunately I was .7 away from graduating with honors. Oh well. I did get my sleeve stuck on the railing coming down after getting one of the awards which was awesome. It wasn't very noticeable though. Then we walk up one by one and they announce us and if we graduated with a distinction or with another degree. I have an advocacy distinction. When we walk up, we're hooded. Which means that Prof. Anderson (our Civil Procedure teacher) stood behind us and put a sash over our heads (it's the purple thing around my neck in the pictures). As he hooded me, he said, "I'll miss you" and I hugged him, which was nice. I asked around and he said different stuff to different people, but he didn't say that to the people around me, which made it nicer because he didn't say it to everyone. After that we left and got pictures taken. Then everyone met at my house for lunch/dinner. I left my phone and license in Roll's purse and didn't remember until she'd been gone for 40 minutes. So she dropped them off at Jeff's.

On Monday we had the graduation. It started outside with all the undergrads and every masters program. Law walks in last as an "honor". Then our speaker rambled for awhile. Then we split off and went to another building for just us. We walked on stage and sat facing the audience. Then we were announced and walked across the stage to get our diplomas. I teared up when they said, "Congratulations to the class of 2007" and the faculty (who were sitting in front of us on the platform) stood, faced us and clapped. Then there was a small reception after which sucked so we went to lunch at Broad Street.
(The hood is the purple thing which drops down in the back, the chords are for Delta and ODK (honor societies))
(Me & Grandma at Second Empire)

On Saturday, the girls went to North Hills to watch a movie and walk around. Luckily it stayed sunny for the most part and didn't rain until we were done shopping.
(Me & Roll at North Hills Starbucks)

Then we took Grandma and Sue to see Jeff's house. He cleaned the kitchen by throwing a beach towel over the dishes in the sink. Although the rest of the house was surprisingly clean. I didn't take a picture of the dishes, but I wish I had. That night Jeff, my dad and my aunt Amy met us for dinner at Mo's. It was really loud, but still fun. We were supposed to eat on the porch, but there was a downpour that made the street look like a river so luckily they had room to move us inside.
(Aunt Sue, Grandma, Roll, Dad, Jeff, Me & Amy at Mo's)

Sunday was the hooding. It was the law school only. They have the graduates walk in and sit. Then they do an awards ceremony and give out various stuff, including book awards (for the people that get the best grade in a specific class). I got 2 awards - one for trial advocacy and another for moot court (which included a check!). Unfortunately I was .7 away from graduating with honors. Oh well. I did get my sleeve stuck on the railing coming down after getting one of the awards which was awesome. It wasn't very noticeable though. Then we walk up one by one and they announce us and if we graduated with a distinction or with another degree. I have an advocacy distinction. When we walk up, we're hooded. Which means that Prof. Anderson (our Civil Procedure teacher) stood behind us and put a sash over our heads (it's the purple thing around my neck in the pictures). As he hooded me, he said, "I'll miss you" and I hugged him, which was nice. I asked around and he said different stuff to different people, but he didn't say that to the people around me, which made it nicer because he didn't say it to everyone. After that we left and got pictures taken. Then everyone met at my house for lunch/dinner. I left my phone and license in Roll's purse and didn't remember until she'd been gone for 40 minutes. So she dropped them off at Jeff's.
(Jeff, Me, Dad, Roll)

On Monday we had the graduation. It started outside with all the undergrads and every masters program. Law walks in last as an "honor". Then our speaker rambled for awhile. Then we split off and went to another building for just us. We walked on stage and sat facing the audience. Then we were announced and walked across the stage to get our diplomas. I teared up when they said, "Congratulations to the class of 2007" and the faculty (who were sitting in front of us on the platform) stood, faced us and clapped. Then there was a small reception after which sucked so we went to lunch at Broad Street.
(Me & Professor Chriscoe)

On Monday, after lunch, I had to drive my mom to the airport then I went to Jeff's. We went to dinner and played trivia, then I made him watch Dancing with the Stars and he got mad at me. I started PMBR (bar review classes) Tuesday morning and will take them basically until a week before the Bar exam in July. Woo. So that was my weekend. I still don't feel like a lawyer yet.