Saturday, November 24, 2007



Even though I'm home, and have access to a computer, I haven't been updating - duh. That's because when I am home I often don't have time to update because I am doing important things such as sleeping.

This Thanksgiving weekend has been pretty good. My siblings and I drove down together and went to Outback where Jeff has 3 bowls of clam chowder as his 2 sides with his Outback special. We listed to a CD of learning Spanish while driving or something like that and have been singing some of the songs all weekend. Thanksgiving was nice - just the 4 of us. We've played games all week, including but not limited to: Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego (board game version), In a Pickle (stupidest game ever), spades, Racko, Scrabble, Facts in Five (old school Scattergories), and the newest edition to our board game collection, Apples to Apples. It's a pretty good game and was recommended by our neighbor, who I just learned has GPS on her son's truck.

What else have we done? We watched "Dan in Real Life" which was really good and reminded us of our family in alot of ways, except that we have much more alcohol involved in our games etc. We put up our lights and candles and 2 trees. And ate. And ate. And ate.

That's pretty much it. I really hope Tennessee loses and of course that Georgia wins, so that's what I am doing today. Plus we had to take family pictures which took like 2 hours. And Blake, a family friend from when we moved here 15 years ago, has been staying over since last night. So that's fun too. Ok, that's about all that's new here for now. I'll try to update again before I leave, but who knows. I am being called to play some Scrabble right now so peace out.

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