Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Christmas Bells
My brother has a history of giving me random presents for Christmas. One year he gave me a cordless drill. One year I got an index card with what I would actually be getting later, but the store closed before he could get it. He says that he doesn't like to get people things they put on Christmas lists because that means they really want it, and thus will eventually get it for themselves, whereas he likes to get people things they don't think they want, but really do. For some reason, I am generally the one who gets the random present, although sometimes someone else gets that honor. This year, I got a package addressed to Bulldog and this was what was inside:

It is a bell. The top label reads "The Bell House of Korean" and the bottom label reads "The Divine Bell of King Songdok the Great". Apparently it is a big deal in Korea. When I opened it, we were skyping with him and he said it was a prosperity bell and he got it for me because I've had a lousy couple of years. So even though it's bizarre, it was sweet at the same time.
I also got a pillow wrapped in a black garbage bag with the label "this is the wrapping" on it, which is better than the year he picked up used wrapping paper from another present, ran out of the room and wrapped it around my present and came back in.
The first day that I rang the bell (when I opened it and annoyed my sister's neighbors), my aunt gave me a bonus Christmas check. So apparently it works. Also, you can't say you're going to ring the bell and then not do it. My brother emailed me and asked how the bell was working out. I told him I was about to ring it because I had a dentist appointment later that day. I forgot to ring it and ended up needing a crown (although that probably had more to do with my soft teeth and lack of flossing, but still). So here's what it sounds like - although you can't quite get how loud it actually is: