Wednesday, March 28, 2007
My friend Mon and I like to sing karaoke together. She likes to sing and I'll sing if I am drinking and nobody is in the bar. Last time we went I sang "Respect" and we did a duet of "Don't go breakin' my heart" and apparently we also sang "Love Shack" but I do not recall that.
Anyways, we were discussing our next karaoke trip and I said that my new song will be "Wake Me Up before you Go Go". This is how the conversation went:
Me: "My next song is by Wham...Wake me up before you go go"
Her: "Don't leave me hanging on a monkey's boho"
Me: "..."
Me: "ummm, did you say monkey's boho?"
Her: "Yea, wasn't I clever about coming up with something so quick?"
Me: "uh, monkey's boho? No."
Anyways, we were discussing our next karaoke trip and I said that my new song will be "Wake Me Up before you Go Go". This is how the conversation went:
Me: "My next song is by Wham...Wake me up before you go go"
Her: "Don't leave me hanging on a monkey's boho"
Me: "..."
Me: "ummm, did you say monkey's boho?"
Her: "Yea, wasn't I clever about coming up with something so quick?"
Me: "uh, monkey's boho? No."
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Evert time I watch TV now I am reminded of more commercials that I don't like.
Here's 2 more:
Suave commercials. Yes, you need to tell me which one uses Suave. How do you know that I can't pick which one used it and which one didn't. Truth be told, I'll bet neither of them used Suave and that's why you're not telling. Even if one did, the amount of product put on the girl's head from the stylist for the shoot would mask any Suave stuff. I use Suave, I really like the brown highlight stuff, it's just I want to know damn it.
The new Clear Blue Easy commercial. I don't need to hear the word "pee" or see the stream, thank you. I know what you do with a pregnancy test.
Here's 2 more:
Suave commercials. Yes, you need to tell me which one uses Suave. How do you know that I can't pick which one used it and which one didn't. Truth be told, I'll bet neither of them used Suave and that's why you're not telling. Even if one did, the amount of product put on the girl's head from the stylist for the shoot would mask any Suave stuff. I use Suave, I really like the brown highlight stuff, it's just I want to know damn it.
The new Clear Blue Easy commercial. I don't need to hear the word "pee" or see the stream, thank you. I know what you do with a pregnancy test.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Got One
The new Gap commercial for the boyfriend trouser. I don't get it. Are you supposed to wear the same pants? Like you buy a pair and both of you can wear them? B/c I call BS. The girl on that commercial would not fit in pants that the boy would wear. I'm sure it happens sometimes - like with a girl who has the body of a boy - no hips etc. But most girls, even skinny girls, don't look good in boy's pants. Except for pj pants.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Most people know that I love the TV. I will say that I am a flipper and often will try not to watch the commercials. However, if it's good, I'll watch it. Which is why it pisses me off that there are so many bad commercial out there. I don't think it takes that much for a commercial to me decent or too much more to make it good. The "Bus driver/Fader" commercial still makes me laugh and I've seen it probably 50 times.
That being said, here are some commercials that annoy me.
1- The Yoplait commercial with the girl in a bikini. In the commercial the song says, "She wore an itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikini, that she wore for the first time today". The real song goes, "It was an ...". Use the damn real song! The repeat of "she" makes it stupid and it bothers me every time.
2- The Golden Corral commercial. I disagree that bacon makes everything taste better. I love me some bacon, when appropriate. But partly based on my thoughts and partly based on comments from Iron Chef judges, meat flavored ice cream is not good.
3- The Domino's commercial where body parts are abnormally large. It's just creepy.
There are some that I am forgetting, probably because I am trying to block them from being in my head at all, so I will update this in the future.
That being said, here are some commercials that annoy me.
1- The Yoplait commercial with the girl in a bikini. In the commercial the song says, "She wore an itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikini, that she wore for the first time today". The real song goes, "It was an ...". Use the damn real song! The repeat of "she" makes it stupid and it bothers me every time.
2- The Golden Corral commercial. I disagree that bacon makes everything taste better. I love me some bacon, when appropriate. But partly based on my thoughts and partly based on comments from Iron Chef judges, meat flavored ice cream is not good.
3- The Domino's commercial where body parts are abnormally large. It's just creepy.
There are some that I am forgetting, probably because I am trying to block them from being in my head at all, so I will update this in the future.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
My friend Sarah tagged me the other day so now I have to write 10 things people don't know about me or something like that. The problem is that I am not too personal when it comes to personal stuff. The people that read this (you know, KT and T) already probably know pretty much everything. So this might be boring. Or they might learn something, who knows.
1. Cheddar Cheese combos (cracker not pretzel) are the best Combos. I love them on car trips and they are the item that goes the fastest when I make trail mix for my family. I am eating them for dinner tonight. Mmm combos.
2. If I can be barefoot, I will be. I try not to do things that are too gross (a la Britney Spears in a gas station bathroom), but I'll walk around school, work etc. with no shoes. The only time it embarrasses me is at the nail place when they scrape basically an extra foot's worth of skin off while getting a pedicure.
3. I still sleep with a blanket. It has Pooh on it (Winnie, not feces). I actually got this one from my mom on my 25th b-day because the old one wore out. I've had a blanket since I was born basically and it's hard to fall asleep without it. I brought it to college with me, but I can now go on trips without it, although I try to find something else to rub.
4. While I don't have OCD (if you saw my house you'd know what I am talking about) I do get very fixated when pictures are hung crookedly. It drives me nuts. The rest of the place can be a disaster, but the pictures must be straight. This is a problem in my upstairs hallway where I have about a dozen small frames close together. I am always readjusting.
5. I don't want to be a lawyer. This is a problem as I am 2 1/2 months away from graduating law school. And if anyone else calls me about consolidating my loans, I will punch them. Consider that a warning and thus assumption of the risk bitches.
6. My dog is the cutest thing ever. But that's not really about me. The weird part about me is that I like the smell of her feet. They smell like Fritos.
7. I would say that I am going to marry Orlando Bloom and/or Channing Tatum, but unless you're dumb, you already knew that. So I'll say that I'd go gay for Jennifer Nettles. I don't know if I've said it before, but she's my cross-over. I said that once at dinner because a Sugarland video was playing and I think I seriously freaked out one of the girls I was with.
8. I love Crystal Light Ruby Red Grapefruit. I asked for some for Christmas. I'm not kidding. True, I also asked for garbage bags, but it's good. I also love gin & tonics. A lot. Extra lime.
9. I swear. Bunches. And it gives me never ending joy when I hear new ones or make a good combination. My favorite part in "PCU" is when Rand says "Butt Pirates" and the signer points to her butt then covers one eye like a patch.
10. I just spilled red Gatorade on my yellow shirt. I spill often and most of my shirts have some sort of stain around the boob area. It's like a freaking shelf to catch stains.
1. Cheddar Cheese combos (cracker not pretzel) are the best Combos. I love them on car trips and they are the item that goes the fastest when I make trail mix for my family. I am eating them for dinner tonight. Mmm combos.
2. If I can be barefoot, I will be. I try not to do things that are too gross (a la Britney Spears in a gas station bathroom), but I'll walk around school, work etc. with no shoes. The only time it embarrasses me is at the nail place when they scrape basically an extra foot's worth of skin off while getting a pedicure.
3. I still sleep with a blanket. It has Pooh on it (Winnie, not feces). I actually got this one from my mom on my 25th b-day because the old one wore out. I've had a blanket since I was born basically and it's hard to fall asleep without it. I brought it to college with me, but I can now go on trips without it, although I try to find something else to rub.
4. While I don't have OCD (if you saw my house you'd know what I am talking about) I do get very fixated when pictures are hung crookedly. It drives me nuts. The rest of the place can be a disaster, but the pictures must be straight. This is a problem in my upstairs hallway where I have about a dozen small frames close together. I am always readjusting.
5. I don't want to be a lawyer. This is a problem as I am 2 1/2 months away from graduating law school. And if anyone else calls me about consolidating my loans, I will punch them. Consider that a warning and thus assumption of the risk bitches.
6. My dog is the cutest thing ever. But that's not really about me. The weird part about me is that I like the smell of her feet. They smell like Fritos.
7. I would say that I am going to marry Orlando Bloom and/or Channing Tatum, but unless you're dumb, you already knew that. So I'll say that I'd go gay for Jennifer Nettles. I don't know if I've said it before, but she's my cross-over. I said that once at dinner because a Sugarland video was playing and I think I seriously freaked out one of the girls I was with.
8. I love Crystal Light Ruby Red Grapefruit. I asked for some for Christmas. I'm not kidding. True, I also asked for garbage bags, but it's good. I also love gin & tonics. A lot. Extra lime.
9. I swear. Bunches. And it gives me never ending joy when I hear new ones or make a good combination. My favorite part in "PCU" is when Rand says "Butt Pirates" and the signer points to her butt then covers one eye like a patch.
10. I just spilled red Gatorade on my yellow shirt. I spill often and most of my shirts have some sort of stain around the boob area. It's like a freaking shelf to catch stains.
Friday, March 09, 2007
DC Trip
This week was my last spring break in law school (so probably forever). I went with our Women in Law group to DC. Overall I had a great time. There were a few bitchy people, but they weren't with us very often. I now have horrible blisters on my toes from walking in heels, but it was worth it.
On Monday we got to DC and I went with the 1L boys and Monica and we saw various Smithsonian museums and rode the carousel on the Mall. That night I went to dinner with Sarah, Dave, Bryson, Katie and Brian. You can read more about that here, and like my comment said, it was a zillion degrees on the 3rd floor. After eating with my DC peeps, I met my WIL peeps and we tried to find karaoke, but ended up here, for salsa night. Twas fun.
On Tuesday we got up early and met our Congressman, Bob Etheridge. His office took us on a tour of the Capitol building. We then went to Cosi where I had a hummus and veggie sandwich which was quite tasty. Then we did a Supreme Court tour and met the clerk, Mr. Souter (no relation). Then the 1Ls and us rode simulators at Air & Space. That night Katie picked me up after work and we all had dinner at her house.

On Monday we got to DC and I went with the 1L boys and Monica and we saw various Smithsonian museums and rode the carousel on the Mall. That night I went to dinner with Sarah, Dave, Bryson, Katie and Brian. You can read more about that here, and like my comment said, it was a zillion degrees on the 3rd floor. After eating with my DC peeps, I met my WIL peeps and we tried to find karaoke, but ended up here, for salsa night. Twas fun.
On Tuesday we got up early and met our Congressman, Bob Etheridge. His office took us on a tour of the Capitol building. We then went to Cosi where I had a hummus and veggie sandwich which was quite tasty. Then we did a Supreme Court tour and met the clerk, Mr. Souter (no relation). Then the 1Ls and us rode simulators at Air & Space. That night Katie picked me up after work and we all had dinner at her house.
Bryson was much happier that night. Super drooly. We did typical stuff that our group does, which means we watched Jeopardy and looked at sex books. Again, twas fun.
Wednesday morning we woke up really early and went to the White House. Apparently they've changed the rules and now a Congressperson has to get you into the building, but once you're in, it's a self-guided tour. It was very boring. I was disappointed because I remember going when I was about 7 and it was better. Oh well. We then went to the White House museum and almost went to a psychic, but it was weird.
I also learned that Monica is an awesome person with whom to road trip. She sings loud and doesn't listen to too much crap and no books on tape either!
I stayed at Jeff's last night and he, Matt, Sam and I watched Borat. My face hurt I was laughing so hard. I agree with Irwin, he should have won an Oscar. That's about all for my spring break. Now I have to write 3 papers in 3 weeks - woo!
Saturday, March 03, 2007
I am in Raleigh this weekend because Jeff is dog-sitting Layla for me while I go to DC. I like coming up here most of the time because it's nice to be around other people who I am completely comfortable with and just hang out. However, when I come up, I like to do stuff. It seems pointless to me to be around other people and just sit. Sometimes that's alright, but most of the time I figure that I can do that at my house and can save $25 in gas. Plus my house doesn't smell like boy and I always have enough clean spoons so that I don't have to eat ice cream out of the carton with a fork. I am not saying it didn't taste good, it's more principle of the thing. My brothers (i.e. Jeff & Matt) played Scrabble and Scategories with me yesterday and a little bit today. And Jeff and I played horseshoes, but now I am just sitting around.
Layla got her hair cut today and she is naked again. I like getting her shaved because that means I can get her hair cut about every 4 months instead of every 2. They also put purple bows in her hair. I took pictures with a cheapo camera that had like 3 exposures left, so I'll post a pic when I get them developed.
I got 4 movies today at Blockbuster (where we ran into Jeff's ex). I got Talledega (?) Nights, Harry Potter 4, Pirates 2 and Barnyard. There were probably 4 other movies I could have gotten (it was a 2 for 2 deal), but I am "trying" to save money. Which means that I spent $70 at AC Moore. But I got a lot of cute stuff, including an $8 Vera Bradley knock-off that's brown and blue and super cute.
I go to DC early Monday and get back on Wednesday and will drive back here to get the pup because I don't like sleeping alone in my house. Which means Sunday night will suck all around. I need to do laundry before I go. I also need to remember that there is snow up there even though it is in the 70s here. But according to the news people, tomorrow is supposed to be cold. I am still sleeping with the window open anyways.
Layla got her hair cut today and she is naked again. I like getting her shaved because that means I can get her hair cut about every 4 months instead of every 2. They also put purple bows in her hair. I took pictures with a cheapo camera that had like 3 exposures left, so I'll post a pic when I get them developed.
I got 4 movies today at Blockbuster (where we ran into Jeff's ex). I got Talledega (?) Nights, Harry Potter 4, Pirates 2 and Barnyard. There were probably 4 other movies I could have gotten (it was a 2 for 2 deal), but I am "trying" to save money. Which means that I spent $70 at AC Moore. But I got a lot of cute stuff, including an $8 Vera Bradley knock-off that's brown and blue and super cute.
I go to DC early Monday and get back on Wednesday and will drive back here to get the pup because I don't like sleeping alone in my house. Which means Sunday night will suck all around. I need to do laundry before I go. I also need to remember that there is snow up there even though it is in the 70s here. But according to the news people, tomorrow is supposed to be cold. I am still sleeping with the window open anyways.